take our pledge
I understand that rape culture is more than just rape. Instead, it is something we can contribute change to everyday with small by impactful efforts.
I understand that the locker room talk we are used to on campus and in everyday conversations is part of this culture. However, I recognize that this is NOT "just a joke", harmless banter, and above all NOT okay.
I pledge to not engage or contribute in behaviors that add to rape culture.
I pledge not to look the other way when I hear anyone saying something that crosses the line.
I pledge to speak up, speak out, and to rally my friends in alliance against rape culture.
I acknowledge I am a role model and that I have the power to take the first steps towards change. And so I choose not to be a contributer, a facilitator, or a bystander. Change happens now, with me.
While we both understand that taking a pledge is far from drastic change in systems that work against both women and survivors, the impact of: being cognizant of the small actions you can take, continuing to educate yourselves, and continuing this conversation cannot go unnoticed.
- with love brenda and zoe ralliance co-founders